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Roccella Jonica


Roccella Ionica (or Roccella Jonica) (Rucceja in Roccella dialect) is a City with 6.768 citizens in the area of Reggio Calabria on the Jonio Sea. Probably it was built upon Magna Graecia village Amfissa.
The local economy is based mainly on tourism, activity which counts lot of tourist's presences from May to September, because of the clean and wonderful Sea, the Mediterranean climate, the fascination of "Middle Ages Village".By this way Roccella brings every year the "Blue Flag" from FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education) because of its territory and Sea. The ruins of Middle Ages period are visible walking on a way which starts from Zirgone River and comes to the promontory of the Old Village, close to Tower of Pizzofalcone.

Santa Maria delle Grazie

Down the feet of the Castle stands the Shrine of "Santa Maria delle Grazie", built in 1545, a true place of cult for the citizens. The first documented human settlements date back to the Ages of Iron. We can guessed it because of the "Necropoli" found out close to the city of Caulonia.

Roccella Festival Jazz

Since more than 20 years, Roccella gives hospitality an important Jazz Festival during the summer. Lot of international famous artists played there, like Buena Vista Social Club, Noa, John Patitucci, Joe Henderson, Wayne Shorter and Paolo Fresu.
Actually sometimes the Festival goes around Calabria to let the artists play in different places, but always for this musical event which became, because of that, a kind of travelling festival.

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